Problematic soil mechanics in the Algerian arid and semi-arid regions: Case of M’sila expansive clays

  • Mohamed Khemissa Geomaterials Development Laboratory, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology, Mohamed Boudiaf University, M’sila 28000, Algeria
  • Abdelkrim Mahamedi Geomaterials Development Laboratory, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology, Mohamed Boudiaf University, M’sila 28000, Algeria
  • Lakhdar Mekki Geomaterials Development Laboratory, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology, Mohamed Boudiaf University, M’sila 28000, Algeria


This paper presents a state-of-the art review on the behavior of problematic soils in arid and semi-arid regions in Algeria, where significant damages frequently appear affecting the road infrastructures, roadway systems and various networks and other small civil and industrial constructions. It deals with characterization and treatment experimental studies on some Algerian expansive natural soils, including those conducted on M’sila expansive clays.

Author Biography

Mohamed Khemissa, Geomaterials Development Laboratory, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology, Mohamed Boudiaf University, M’sila 28000, Algeria
Corresponding author:
Prof. Mohamed Khemissa
Geomaterials Development Laboratory, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology, Mohamed Boudiaf University, M’sila 28000, Algeria
Tel.: +213 662 07 73 82; fax: +213 35 36 40 72
E-mail address:


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How to Cite
KHEMISSA, Mohamed; MAHAMEDI, Abdelkrim; MEKKI, Lakhdar. Problematic soil mechanics in the Algerian arid and semi-arid regions: Case of M’sila expansive clays. Journal of Applied Engineering Science & Technology, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 2, p. 37-41, feb. 2015. ISSN 2571-9815. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 mar. 2025.
Section C: Geotechnical and Civil Engineering


Arid and semi-arid regions, Problematic soil, Expansive clay, Compaction, Treatment with hydraulic binders, Bearing

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