In all countries, regardless of their development, urban
slum residents commit the majority of the reported
crimes. Studies of cities of developing countries appear
to show similar correlations. Numerous studies, of
deviant behavior, point out that squatter areas, and illicit
districts, are the seedbeds in which “delinquents” carry
on their activities. (1)
This paper tends to apprehend the theme of violence and
insecurity in illicit districts from a new point of view, by
adopting the environmental approach to crime. The
study aims to understand how and why this urban shape
produced by the illicit districts affects human behavior
negatively and encourages vandalism.
To test various hypotheses derived from a theoretical
model, a representative sample of persons to be
interviewed was selected from two illicit districts
(Bouakal, and Chikhi) in Batna, a middle city in
Algeria. The city of Batna in Algeria is specified by the
spectacular and singular character of its anarchical
urbanization. The illicit habitat in Batna constitutes the
higher proportion of the real estate park.
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