• SAID LABED SCAL group, MISC Laboratory, Mentouri University, Constantine
  • AMER DRAA SCAL group, MISC Laboratory, Mentouri University, Constantine
  • SALIM CHIKHI SCAL group, MISC Laboratory, Mentouri University, Constantine


In  this  paper,  an  agent  based  approach  for  edge  detection  is  presented.  It  uses  the  blackboard  system  as  a  means  of
communication between agents. A population of agents is deployed on a two-dimensional representation of an image. Every
agent is able to decide whether the pixel on which it is situated belongs or does not belong to the homogeneous region looked
for,  and  thus  to  exhibit  a  reactive  behaviour:  breeding  and  labelling,  or  diffusion,  allowing  the  emergence  of  a  complex
phenomenon at the global level. This phenomenon is the segmentation of the image. The behaviour of agents is inspired from
the natural diffusion phenomenon. The approach has been implemented with the Netlogo platform which  is a very powerful
agent based simulator, and since the parameters space is very huge, a genetic algorithm has been used to lessen the complexity
of the problem.


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Comment citer
LABED, SAID; DRAA, AMER; CHIKHI, SALIM. A MULTI-AGENT APPROACH FOR EDGE DETECTION USING A GENETIC ALGORITHM FOR PARAMETERS’ SPACE EXPLORATION. Courrier du Savoir, [S.l.], v. 14, mai 2014. ISSN 1112-3338. Disponible à l'adresse : >https://revues.univ-biskra.dz/index.php/cds/article/view/409>. Date de consultation : 22 fév. 2025