• ZIANI BENAMEUR Laghouat University


Data warehouses store large amounts of data usually accessed by complex decision making queries with many selection, join
and aggregation operations. To optimize the performance of the data warehouse, the administrator has to make a physical
design. During physical designphase, the Data Warehouse Administrator has to select some optimization techniques to speed
up queries. He must make many choices as optimization techniques to perform,their selection algorithms, parametersof these
algorithms and the attributes and tables used by some of these techniques. We describe in this paper the nature of the
difficulties encountered by the administrator during physical design. We subsequently present a tool which helps the
administrator to make the right choicesfor optimization. We demonstrate the interactive use of this tool using a relational data
warehouse created and populated from the APB-1 Benchmark.


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Comment citer
BOUKHALFA, KAMEL et al. OPTASSIST: A RELATIONAL DATA WAREHOUSE OPTIMIZATION ADVISOR. Courrier du Savoir, [S.l.], v. 14, mai 2014. ISSN 1112-3338. Disponible à l'adresse : >https://revues.univ-biskra.dz/index.php/cds/article/view/417>. Date de consultation : 22 fév. 2025