واقع الأنثربولوجيافي الجامعةالجزائريةبعد أكثرمن ربع قرن من الإعتراف الأكاديمي

  • سلمان بن قيلة


This paperaims to monitor the reality of Anthropologyat the Algerian Universitiesduring the currentperiod, as a self-containedknowledge-based or as a module taught in otherknowledgespecialities. The researcherconducts for that a total surfing of all the Algerian universities’ websites as he examines the teaching programs of theirvariouscolleges, and researchlaboratories .He alsocounts the differentuniversities and collegesthatteachAnthropologyor the modules and the specialitiestheyassociatedwith . The researcherreachedthroughthisthatanthropologyisgenerallytaught in the faculties of social sciences and humanities, and the faculties of literature and languages  in differentspecialities and in variousuniversities. He establishes a list of laboratories of scientificresearchthat are active in Algerian universities and specialized in thisfield of knowledge.


Comment citer
بن قيلة, سلمان. واقع الأنثربولوجيافي الجامعةالجزائريةبعد أكثرمن ربع قرن من الإعتراف الأكاديمي. Changement Social, [S.l.], n. 03, fév. 2018. ISSN 2507-7473. Disponible à l'adresse : >https://revues.univ-biskra.dz/index.php/chs/article/view/2884>. Date de consultation : 10 mars 2025