Stress Errors Committed by Yemeni University Students of English Language: Common Errors, Reasons, and Solutions
This research deals with an important problem that faces students of English language departments, Hajjah University, Yemen which is the misuse of stress in pronouncing English words and reading English poetry. It points out the reasons of this problem and suggests some solutions and suggestions to overcome this problem.
يتناول البحث بالدراسة والتحليل مشكلة من اهم المشاكل اللغوية التي تواجه طلاب قسم اللغة الانجليزية بجامعة حجة باليمن في نطق الكلمات وتقطيع الشعر لتحديدالتفعيلة والبحرالشعري وهي مشكلة الخطأ في استخدام الشدة أوالنبرة Stress يكشف البحث عن أسباب هذه المشكلة ويقدم بعض الحلول والمعالجات المقترحة للتغلب علي هذه الاشكالية وحلها وتجاوزهاTéléchargements
Les données sur le téléchargement ne sont pas encore disponible.
(1) Culter, A (1980 ). Errors in Linguistic Performance .Laboratory of experimental Psychology , University of Susses Brighton , England
(2) Greeenbery , S, Carvey, H ,Hitchcool,(1947 ). The relationship between word accent and pronunciation , International Computer Science Institute : Center Street .
(3) Kelly G, (2000), How to teach Pronunciation Bluestone Press , Charlbury, Oxfordshire , UK .
(4) Jack C ,Richards , John Platt , Heidi Platt, (1992 ) , Long man Dictionary of Language Teaching And Applied Linguistics , Long man Singapore Pte Ltd , Singapore .
(5) Roach, Peter, (1991 ) ,English Phonetic and Phonology . Cambridge University Press.
(6) stress.htm
(8) -Simone RINZLER – Université Paris X - Nanterre - WORD STRESS SR_RH 03.doc - 2/2
(1) Culter, A (1980 ). Errors in Linguistic Performance .Laboratory of experimental Psychology , University of Susses Brighton , England
(2) Greeenbery , S, Carvey, H ,Hitchcool,(1947 ). The relationship between word accent and pronunciation , International Computer Science Institute : Center Street .
(3) Kelly G, (2000), How to teach Pronunciation Bluestone Press , Charlbury, Oxfordshire , UK .
(4) Jack C ,Richards , John Platt , Heidi Platt, (1992 ) , Long man Dictionary of Language Teaching And Applied Linguistics , Long man Singapore Pte Ltd , Singapore .
(5) Roach, Peter, (1991 ) ,English Phonetic and Phonology . Cambridge University Press.
(6) stress.htm
(8) -Simone RINZLER – Université Paris X - Nanterre - WORD STRESS SR_RH 03.doc - 2/2
Comment citer
AHMED AL-SHAMI, Ibrahim Ali.
Stress Errors Committed by Yemeni University Students of English Language: Common Errors, Reasons, and Solutions.
Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société, [S.l.], v. 18, sep. 2016.
ISSN 2253-0347. Disponible à l'adresse : >>. Date de consultation : 10 mars 2025