Is there an Arab Public Sphere?

  • Daoud Djefafla


With the advent of satellite channels are broadcasting the regional at the end of the last century and increased in number during the first decade of the third millennium has grown the idea of a “Arab Public Sphere” and have a lot of academic research based on this idea to say its ability to “create a democracy”, what in the countriesArab.

 In this study, a critical approach to try to understand the validity of this argument based on the perception of the historic public space with Jürgen Habermas

and studies provided by the Frankfurt School accordingly and which constitute the main source of the idea of Arab on “Arab Public Sphere” and as a result the objective is to determine the nature of space, which is active when the Arab media, to identify its features and explain how it works.

 (Jürgen Habermas).

مع ظهور القنوات الفضائية ذات البث الجهوي في نهاية القرن الماضي و تزايد عددها خلال العشرية الأولى من الألفية الثالثة تنامت فكرة وجود "فضاء عام عربي" و ظهرت الكثير من الأبحاث الأكاديمية التي تعتمد على هذه الفكرة في القول بقدرتها على "خلق ديمقراطية" ما في البلدان العربية. في هذه الدراسة مقاربة نقدية لمحاولة فهم مدى صحة هذه المقولة بالاعتماد على التصور التاريخي للفضاء العام لدى يورغن هابرماس(Jürgen Habermas)  و الدراسات التي قدمتها مدرسة فرانكفورت تبعا لذلك و التي تشكل المصدر الرئيسي للفكرة العربية حول "الفضاء العام العربي" و نتيجة لذلك يكون الهدف هو تحديد ماهية الفضاء التي تنشط فيه وسائل الإعلام العربية، تحديد معالمه و شرح طريقة عمله.


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Revue des sciences de l’homme et de la société ...dr/daoud Djefafla
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mainly, the owner of LBC, denouncing the program. They criticized the
reception by the press "star academician" the Saudi Hicham Abdallah.
(13) Asharq Alawsat, le 27 September 2002.The German edition was published in 1962 by Hermann Lunchterhand
Verlag under the title Strukturwandel der Öffentlikeit.
(2) for details, see

(Web site visited on 10 04 2010)
(3) For the MBC Group, King Fahd of Saudi was personally involved in
financing and launching the TV channel MBC and MBC FM radio station.
The group's president said “the support of King Fahd was not for MBC but
for me personally. I am proud to be close to King Fahd ... and it helped me
do what I did and what I do.” View the details of the
declaration (10 04 2010)
(4) Statement by the President of MBC Group, Sheikh Walid Albrahim. View
(Web site visited on 10 04 2008)
(5) For details, see

(Web site visited on10 04 2010)
(6) Idem
(7) It is the declaration of Fakhri Karim, president of Dar Al Mada for Culture
and the Arts, which publishes the monthly magazine of criticism and the
daily El Manhadj El Mada, at a conference on Arab media held Cairo 21
December 2007. See the full text of interventions on
(10 04 2010)
(8) The Web site of the channel is banned in Tunisia since le 12 novembre
(9) This "war" Saudi Arabia has taken some of the personal dimensions. A
cartoonist of the daily Er-Riyadh Haykel caricatured as a "skeleton". View (web site visited on 10 04 2010)

(10) The chain has spent the edition of September 27, 2004 issue of Ed-Tahta
Dhu (under light) to "misinformation in the Arab media. " He took over the
defense of the King of Saudi and Riyadh's position vis-à-vis the Israeli-
Palestinian conflict.

(11) (10 04 2008)
(12) Several preachers and sheikhs as Saudi Abdullah bin Djebrine,
Abderrahman Ben Naceur, Naceur El Omor, and others have signed an
appeal for the different actors involved in the issue (the advertising
companies, which are journaled the promotion, etc.. ) and Prince Al Walid
Comment citer
DJEFAFLA, Daoud. Is there an Arab Public Sphere?. Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société, [S.l.], v. 4, déc. 2012. ISSN 2253-0347. Disponible à l'adresse : >>. Date de consultation : 10 mars 2025