Objectives and Scope:

The primary focus of the "International Journal Applied Mathematics and Simulation (IJAMS)" is to communicate significant advancements in contemporary Applied Mathematics and its intersections with various fields, such as stochastic analysis, statistics, numerical analysis and Simulation, control of deterministic and stochastic dynamical systems, bifurcation-chaos theory, and fractional calculus. Papers dealing with applications across domains like finance, economics, biology, and computer science, with a particular emphasis on data analysis, are most welcome. Our mission at IJAMS is to publish high-quality works that set a standard in all above mentioned field.

Reviewer Guidelines:

For individuals interested in serving as peer reviewers for the International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Simulation (IJAMS), we kindly request that you contact the Editor-in-Chief at n.khelfallah@univ-biskra.dz  or Managing Editor  adel.chala@univ-biskra.dz. Please provide your complete contact details, your area of expertise, and a list of your recent publications. Upon acceptance by our Editor-in-Chief to become a reviewer, your name will be added to our list of potential referees for each volume. When a manuscript aligned with your expertise is submitted to IJAMS, you will receive an email from one of our editorial board members containing the manuscript. You will be asked if you are available to review the paper. If you are unable to review it due to other commitments, please inform us promptly so we can select an alternative referee. If you agree to review the manuscript, please confirm and submit your report (positive or negative) within the next 45 days.

Author Instructions:

  • Authors submitting manuscripts should acknowledge that the work has not been previously published and has received approval from all co-authors.
  • The article should composed solely in English using Latex forma.
  • Authors have the freedom to enhance their articles with color illustrations.
  • Before online submission, the PDF document containing the paper should initially sent to (see the submission system) for a preliminary formatting check. This stepis designed to expedite the review process.
  • If the paper adheres to the author’s guidelines, it will undergo complementary linguistic, grammatical, and punctuation correction.
  • The corresponding author should disclose any conflicts of interest involving all co-authors upon submission.
  • Upon acceptance for publication, all authors are required to sign the copyright agreement and submit the necessary files (such as LaTeX source, cover letter, tables, and supplementary documents) collectively.
  • Manuscripts should notbe directly submitted to the editor or publisher.

Manuscript Preparation:

  • Authors should prepare their manuscripts using LaTeX format.
  • Tables and figures can be included in the text or attached as appendices.
  • The title should accurately represent the manuscript's content, and the abstract should be concise and informative.
  • Author names should appear below the title, with contact addresses at the paper's end.
  • Equations should be consecutively numbered by sections in the right margin.
  • A list of up to 7 keywords, along with the appropriate 2020 Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC) codes, should be provided.


  • References should be numbered and listed at the article's conclusion, and they must be cited in the text, and in alphabetical order (References must be numbered).
  • Writethe name of the journal where the article is published in full and not in an abbreviated form.
  • Authors' names, followed by the initial (or initials) of the first name, must be written in capital letters
  • All authors of the article must be indicated.
  • For example
  • The affiliation of the authors must be written 10 pt.
  • The title of the article must be writtennot in capital letters, italic 11pt, exclusively in English.
  • The Words ABSTRACT, INTRODUCTION, and CONCLUSIONmust be written in Capital letters, bold 11.
  • The paragraphs making up the article must not be numbered. The main title of the paragraph must be written in capital lettersand bold 11.
  • The first subtitle must be written in lowercase and in bold. The second subtitle must be written in lowercase (italics and bold.)
  • Regarding the title of the Figures and Tables, write the words Figure and Table in full and in bold 10.
  • The title of thefigures must be written in Bold 10.
  • The initial submission must be accompanied by a (cover letter) sent to one of the Editors- in-chief, which should include the statement that there are no conflicts of interest.
  • Accepted manuscripts must be typed in LaTeX, and must sign the copyright by all the authors.
  • The research should exhibit originality, employ sound scientific methodology, and stay current in both subject matter and presentation.
  • Ensure the language used is accurate and the research methodology is rigorous.
  • Confirm that the manuscript has not been previously published or submitted elsewhere.
  • The academic journal accepts original articles with a maximum plagiarism threshold of 8%.
  • The manuscript should not exceed 25 pages in length.
  • The manuscript must be comprehensive and cover all required aspects.
  • The abstract must be written in the English language from 100 to 150 words.
  • An introduction followed by the text.
  • A conclusion.

A list of references.

  • In the text, bibliographic references should be written in brackets, indicating the number of references indicated in the bibliographic list.
  • Example [12], or [11,12, 32].
  • How to write references at the end of the article
  1. When it is an article by one or more authors
  • [10] Kushner. H.J (1972)., Necessary conditions for continuous parameter stochastic optimization problems, SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization. Volume 10, pp.550-565.
  • [12]Khallout. R, Chala. A(2020)., A risk-sensitive stochastic maximum principle forfully coupled forward-backward stochastic differential equations withapplications. Asian Journal of Control. Volume 22(3), pp. 1360-1391.
  1. When it comes to a thesis
  • LENEUF N. (1959). The alteration of calc-alkaline granites and granodiorites in forested Ivory Coast and the soils derived from there, Doctorate Thesis in Natural Sciences, University of Paris, France, 227 p. (In French)
  1. When it comes to a book
  • [17]Oksendal. B(1959)., Stochastic Differential Equations, An Introduction with Applications Fifth Edition, Corrected Printing Springer-Verlag Heidelberg New York.

Review Processing Time:

The typical review process for submitted papers is approximately three months, though this is a general estimate, as the actual duration depends on the reviewers' promptness.

Authors are encouraged to suggest four independent potential reviewers with their contact details to expedite the review process.

Manuscript Submission Process

  1. The author submits their manuscript via email to the Editor-in-chief of thejournal.
  2. The editor conducts an initial screening and checks for plagiarism to ensure that the research paper meets the publication criteria. Within 2 days, the editor communicates the initial decision to the author.
  3. The manuscript is forwarded for peer review, where reviewers assess it anonymously according to the provided guidelines. This review process, aimed at evaluating research quality, is completed within 8 days.
  4. The article, along with the reviewers' recommendations (whether to reject, revise, or accept), is returned to the editor. The final decision and a formal peer-reviewer report are then provided to the corresponding author.
  5. Upon acceptance, the editor issues a publication certificate and acceptance letter, forwarding them to the corresponding author.
  6. The editor-in-chief sends the updated article to the publication department for further processing.

How to Submit Your Manuscript

To submit a manuscript, please send an email to ijams@univ-biskra.dz.

Make sure to include the manuscript file and author/s information. For detailed submission instructions,

Before submitting, familiarize yourself with the author’s guidelines.

To access the manuscript template,(see the template style).


Separate Title and Abstract Page:

Authors are requested to submit a separate file containing the "title and abstract page" for identifying referees. This measure helps safeguard authors' work before publication.