Exploitation of private agricultural property in Algerian law

  • Mouloud Hatem University-Tizi Ouzou


Agricultural real estate, whether public or private, is a basic rule in economic life, so it has received considerable legal attention in order to maintain and promote it through its effective exploitation, as evidenced by the promulgation of a series of real estate legislation, the most important of which is Law No. 90-25, which contains The real estate directive, which re-considered the real estate property of its repeal of the Agricultural Revolution Act.

Comment citer
HATEM, Mouloud. Exploitation of private agricultural property in Algerian law. Revue jurisprudence, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 02, p. 179-188, déc. 2019. ISSN 1112-8615. Disponible à l'adresse : >https://revues.univ-biskra.dz/index.php/ijdl/article/view/4365>. Date de consultation : 22 fév. 2025