Formulation of a composite of date palm wood-cement
This work reports the results of an experimental study on the incorporation of wood waste date palm reduced in particles for the manufacture of wood – cement composites. These materials are chipper than the conventional insulator material and environmental friendly. Five types of wood – cement composites with various concentrations of the wood particles, ie. 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10% of total volume, were made according to defined protocol and mix design. Their thermal and mechanical properties were measured and compared to other conventional materials. The obtained results show that the thermal conductivity is positively correlated to the content of particles in the mixture. The compressive strength of composites decreases where the content of particles increase. However, taking account of the ASTM C 109 / C109-95 standard, the wood – cement composite contained 10% of wood particles, considered as lightweight concrete, could be used as non-structural material in construction.References
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Agoudjil, B., A. Benchabane, A. Boudenne, L. Ibos & M. Fois (2011) Renewable materials to reduce building heat loss: Characterization of date palm wood. Energy and Buildings 43(2): 491-497.
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Al-Juruf, R., F. Ahmed, H. Abdel-Rahman & I. Alam (1990) Development of New Building Materials Using Date Palm Fronds. Building and Environment 25: 183-187.
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AlMaadeed, M.A., Z. Nogellova, M. Micusik, I. Novak & I. Krupa (2014) Mechanical, sorption and adhesive properties of composites based on low density polyethylene filled with date palm wood powder. Materials & Design 53: 29-37.
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Kriker, A., A. Bali, G. Debicki, M. Bouziane & M. Chabannet (2008) Durability of date palm fibres and their use as reinforcement in hot dry climates. Cement & Concrete Composites 30(7): 639-648.
Kriker, A., G. Debicki, A. Bali, M. Khenfer & M. Chabannet (2005) Mechanical properties of date palm fibres and concrete reinforced with date palm fibres in hot-dry climate. Cement and Concrete Composites 27(5): 554-564.
Michaud, F., )2003( Rhéologie de panneaux composites bois/ thermoplastiques sous chargement thermomécanique: aptitude au postformage. université de Laval, Canada.
Moslemi, A. & S.C. Pfister (1987) The influence of cement/wood ratio and cement type on bending strength and dimensional stability of wood-cement composite panels. Wood and fiber science 19: 165-175.
Mounanga, P. )2003( Etude expérimentale du comportement de pâtes de ciment au tres jeune âge: hydratation, retraits, propriétés thermophysiques. Nantes.
Munier, P., 1973. Le palmier-dattier.
Nasser, R.A. & H.A. Al-Mefarrej (2011) Midribs of Date Palm as a Raw Material for Wood-Cement Composite Industry in Saudi Arabia. World Applied Sciences Journal 15(12): 1651-1658.
Navi, P. & F. Heger )2005( Comportement thermo-hydromécanique du bois: applications technologiques et dans les structures. Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, France.
Neville, A.M. )2000( Propriétés des bétons. Eyrolles, 806 pp.
Paul, S.A., A. Boudenne, L. Ibos, Y. Candau, K. Joseph & S. Thomas (2008) Effect of fiber loading and chemical treatments on thermophysical properties of banana fiber/polypropylene commingled composite materials. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 39(9): 1582-1588.
Roumadi, M. )2014( L'inévitable hausse des prix de l'énergie, El Watan. Alger.
Savastano Jr, H., P.G. Warden & R.S.P. Coutts (2000) Brazilian waste fibres as reinforcement for cement-based composites. Cement and Concrete Composites 22(5): 379-384.
Sedan, D. )2007( Etude des interactions physico-chimiques aux interfaces fibres de chanvre/ciment. Influence sur les propriétés mécaniques du composite, Thèse de doctorat, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques. Université de Limoges, France 137.
Sedan, D., C. Pagnoux, A. Smith & T. Chotard (2007) Interaction fibre de chanvre/ciment: influence sur les propriétés mécaniques du composite. Matériaux & Techniques 95(2): 133-142.
Thiebaud, S .)1995( Valorisation chimique des composés lignocellulosiques; obtention de nouveau matériaux. Thèse, Institut National Polytechnique, Toulouse, France.
Touloum, F., A. Benchabane & A. Kaci )2012( Valorisation des fibres naturelles de renfort pour matériaux composites., Huitièmes Journées de Mécanique, Ecole Militaire Polytechnique, Alger.
Agoudjil, B., A. Benchabane, A. Boudenne, L. Ibos & M. Fois )2011( Caractérisation thermophysique du bois de palmier dattier en vue de son utilisation en isolation thermique dans l'habitat, Congrès Français de Thermique; Énergie solaire et thermique, Perpignan 171-176.
Agoudjil, B., A. Benchabane, A. Boudenne, L. Ibos & M. Fois (2011) Renewable materials to reduce building heat loss: Characterization of date palm wood. Energy and Buildings 43(2): 491-497.
Ahmed, F.A., R.S. Al-Juruf, H.H. Abdel-Rehman & I.A. Alam (1990) A homogeneous building material from date palm fronds. Building and Environment 25(2): 183-187.
Al-Juruf, R., F. Ahmed, H. Abdel-Rahman & I. Alam (1990) Development of New Building Materials Using Date Palm Fronds. Building and Environment 25: 183-187.
Al-Juruf, R., F. Ahmed, I. Alam & H. Abdel-Rahman (1988) Determination of the Thermal Conductivity of Date Palm Leaves. Journal of Building Physics 11(3): 152-157.
Al-Juruf, R.S., F.A. Ahmed, I.A. Allam & H.H. Abdel-Rehman (1988) Development of heat insulation material using date palm leaves. Journal of Thermal Insulation 11(3): 158-164.
Alawar, A., A.M. Hamed & K. Al-Kaabi (2009) Characterization of treated date palm tree fiber as composite reinforcement. Composites Part B: Engineering Natural fiber composites 40(7): 601-606.
AlMaadeed, M.A., Z. Nogellova, M. Micusik, I. Novak & I. Krupa (2014) Mechanical, sorption and adhesive properties of composites based on low density polyethylene filled with date palm wood powder. Materials & Design 53: 29-37.
Almi, K., A. Benchabane, S. Lakel, A. Kriker (2015) Potential utilization of date palm wood as composite reinforcement. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 34(15): 1231-1240.
Almi, K., S. Lakel, A. Benchabane, A. Kriker (2015) Characterization of date palm wood used as composites reinforcement. Acta Physica Polonica A 127(4): 1072-1074.
APRUE )2009) Consommation Energétique Finale de l'Algérie, Chiffres clés année 2007. APRUE.
ASTM C1437, 2007. standard test method for flow of hydraulic cement mortar.
Bederina, M., L. Marmoret, K. Mezreb, M. Khenfer, A. Bali & M. Quéneudec (2007) Effect of the addition of wood shavings on thermal conductivity of sand concretes: experimental study and modelling. Construction and Building Materials 21(3): 662-668.
Behzad, T. & M. Sain (2007) Measurement and prediction of thermal conductivity for hemp fiber reinforced composites. Polymer Engineering & Science 47(7): 977-983.
Bentchikou, M., S. Hanini, K. Silhadi & A. Guidoum (2007) Elaboration et etude d'un mortier composite a matrice minerale et fibres cellulosiques: application a l'isolation thermique en batiment. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 34(1): 37-45.
Besset, J. )1987( Bois et matériaux dérivés, Techniques de l'Ingénieur, C925 - C926 pp.
Bledzki., J. Gassan (1999) Composites reinforced with cellulose based fibres. Progress in Polymer Science 24(2): 221-274.
Bouguerra, A., A.A.M.A. Amiri & M.B. Diop (2001) Measurement of thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and heat capacity of highly porous building materials using transient plane source technique. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 28(8): 1065-1078.
Boukrouh, A. )2010( Algerian date 'Deglet Nour' to be labelled by Algerian authorities, Echorouk, Algers, pp. p. 4.
Chikhi, M., B. Agoudjil, A. Boudenne & A. Gherabli (2013) Experimental investigation of new biocomposite with low cost for thermal insulation. Energy and Buildings 66: 267-273.
Coquard, R., D. Baillis & D. Quenard (2006) Experimental and theoretical study of the hot-wire method applied to low-density thermal insulators. International journal of heat and mass transfer 49(23-24): 4511-4524.
Demirboga, R. (2003) Influence of mineral admixtures on thermal conductivity and compressive strength of mortar. Energy and buildings 35(2): 189-192.
Espinoza Herrera, R. )2009( Panneaux en gypse et particules de bois renforcés avec du ciment Portland. Thèse de doctorat, Université de Laval, Canada.
Hachmi, M.H. & A. Moslemi (1989) Correlation between wood-cement compatibility and wood extractives. Forest products journal 39(6): 55-58.
Hofstrand, A.D., A.A. Moslemi & J.F. Garcia (1984) Curing characteristics of wood particles from nine northern rocky mountain species mixed with Portland cement. Forest products journal 34(2): 57-61.
Iskanderani, F.I. (2008) Physical properties of particleboard panels manufactured from Phoenix dactylifera-L (date palm) mid-rib chips using ureaformaldehyde binder. International Journal of polymeric materials and polymeric materials 57(10): 979-995.
Jebrane, M. )2009 (Fonctionnalisation chimique du bois par transesterification des esters d'enol, thèse de doctorat, Université de Bordeaux 1, France, pp. 155.
John, M.J. & S. Thomas (2008) Biofibres and biocomposites. Carbohydrate polymers 71(3): 343-364.
Kalaprasad, G., P. Pradeep, G. Mathew, C. Pavithran & S. Thomas (2000) Thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity analyses of low-density polyethylene composites reinforced with sisal, glass and intimately mixed sisal/glass fibres. Composites Science and Technology 60(16): 2967-2977.
Khedari, J., B. Suttisonk, N. Pratinthong & J. Hirunlabh (2001) New lightweight composite construction materials with low thermal conductivity. Cement and Concrete Composites 23(1): 65-70.
Kriker, A., A. Bali, G. Debicki, M. Bouziane & M. Chabannet (2008) Durability of date palm fibres and their use as reinforcement in hot dry climates. Cement & Concrete Composites 30(7): 639-648.
Kriker, A., G. Debicki, A. Bali, M. Khenfer & M. Chabannet (2005) Mechanical properties of date palm fibres and concrete reinforced with date palm fibres in hot-dry climate. Cement and Concrete Composites 27(5): 554-564.
Michaud, F., )2003( Rhéologie de panneaux composites bois/ thermoplastiques sous chargement thermomécanique: aptitude au postformage. université de Laval, Canada.
Moslemi, A. & S.C. Pfister (1987) The influence of cement/wood ratio and cement type on bending strength and dimensional stability of wood-cement composite panels. Wood and fiber science 19: 165-175.
Mounanga, P. )2003( Etude expérimentale du comportement de pâtes de ciment au tres jeune âge: hydratation, retraits, propriétés thermophysiques. Nantes.
Munier, P., 1973. Le palmier-dattier.
Nasser, R.A. & H.A. Al-Mefarrej (2011) Midribs of Date Palm as a Raw Material for Wood-Cement Composite Industry in Saudi Arabia. World Applied Sciences Journal 15(12): 1651-1658.
Navi, P. & F. Heger )2005( Comportement thermo-hydromécanique du bois: applications technologiques et dans les structures. Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, France.
Neville, A.M. )2000( Propriétés des bétons. Eyrolles, 806 pp.
Paul, S.A., A. Boudenne, L. Ibos, Y. Candau, K. Joseph & S. Thomas (2008) Effect of fiber loading and chemical treatments on thermophysical properties of banana fiber/polypropylene commingled composite materials. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 39(9): 1582-1588.
Roumadi, M. )2014( L'inévitable hausse des prix de l'énergie, El Watan. Alger.
Savastano Jr, H., P.G. Warden & R.S.P. Coutts (2000) Brazilian waste fibres as reinforcement for cement-based composites. Cement and Concrete Composites 22(5): 379-384.
Sedan, D. )2007( Etude des interactions physico-chimiques aux interfaces fibres de chanvre/ciment. Influence sur les propriétés mécaniques du composite, Thèse de doctorat, Faculté des Sciences et Techniques. Université de Limoges, France 137.
Sedan, D., C. Pagnoux, A. Smith & T. Chotard (2007) Interaction fibre de chanvre/ciment: influence sur les propriétés mécaniques du composite. Matériaux & Techniques 95(2): 133-142.
Thiebaud, S .)1995( Valorisation chimique des composés lignocellulosiques; obtention de nouveau matériaux. Thèse, Institut National Polytechnique, Toulouse, France.
Touloum, F., A. Benchabane & A. Kaci )2012( Valorisation des fibres naturelles de renfort pour matériaux composites., Huitièmes Journées de Mécanique, Ecole Militaire Polytechnique, Alger.
How to Cite
TOULOUM, Farid et al.
Formulation of a composite of date palm wood-cement.
Journal of Applied Engineering Science & Technology, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 57-63, oct. 2016.
ISSN 2571-9815.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025.
Section B: Thermal, Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Date palm wood; Phoenix Dactylifera (L); Insulator material; Wood-cement composite
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