The effective length estimation of columns in semi-rigid jointed braced frames

  • Ismail Meghezzi-Larafi Laboratoire de Génie Energétique et Matériaux, LGEM, Université de Biskra, BP145 Biskra 07000
  • Abdelouahab Tati Laboratoire de Génie Energétique et Matériaux, LGEM, Université de Biskra, BP145 Biskra 07000


This paper presents a theoretical and exact procedure for the stability analysis of braced steel frames, taking in account the flexibility effect of the beam-column connections. In order to determine the effective length factor (K-factor). The isolated subassembly approach is used to establish the buckling governing equation. In this study, the relative stiffness coefficient at the isolated column ends is provided by the remainder members of the structure, rather than of the relative stiffness factor in the alignment chart method. A computer program for plane structure analysis is used to evaluate the relative stiffness coefficients. To illustrate the accuracy of the established transcendental equation, K-factor values for the case of fully rigid connections, are compared to the exact and the French rules results. The effect of the type of transfer elements between the frame members, in term of fixity factors is investigated. Moreover, the effect of restraining conditions, provided by the whole frame structure, in term of relative stiffness coefficients, is also studied.  The obtained results revealed that the buckling critical loads of the columns in frames of rigid members are significantly affected by the fixity factors variation, unlike in flexible structures.


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How to Cite
MEGHEZZI-LARAFI, Ismail; TATI, Abdelouahab. The effective length estimation of columns in semi-rigid jointed braced frames. Journal of Applied Engineering Science & Technology, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 91-97, dec. 2016. ISSN 2571-9815. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025.
Section C: Geotechnical and Civil Engineering


Effective length factor; Semi-rigid connection; Braced frame; Relative stiffness coefficient

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