Analyses of a composite functionally graded material beam with a new transverse shear deformation function
In the present paper, we offer a higher-order shear deformation theory for bending of functionally graded beam. A new polynomial shear function is used which satisfies the stress-free boundary conditions (exact boundary conditions on the stress) at both, top and bottom surfaces of the beam. Hence, the shear correction factor is not necessary. Additionally, the present theory has strong similarities with Timoshenko beam theory in some concepts such as equations of movement, boundary conditions and stress resultant expressions. The governing equations and boundary conditions are derived from the principle of minimum potential energy. Functionally graded material FGM beams have a smooth variation of material properties due to continuous (unbroken) change in micro structural details. The variation of material properties is along the beam thickness and assumed to follow a power-law of the volume fraction of the constituents. Finite element numerical solutions obtained with the new polynomial shear function are presented and the obtained results are evaluated versus the existing solutions to verify the validity of the present theory. At last, the influences of power law indicator and the new shear deformation polynomial function on the bending of functionally graded beams are explored.References
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Mantari, J.L. & C.G. Soares (2012) Analysis of isotropic and multilayered plates and shells by using a generalized higher-order shear deformation theory. Composite Structures, 94(8): 2640-2656.
Mantari, J.L. A.S. Oktem & , C.G. Soares (2012a) A new higher order shear deformation theory for sandwich and composite laminated plates. Composites Part B: Engineering, 43(3): 1489-1499.
Mantari, J.L., A.S. Oktem & C.G. Soares (2012b) A new trigonometric shear deformation theory for isotropic, laminated composite and sandwich plates. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 49(1): 43-53.
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Şimşek, M. (2009) Static analysis of a functionally graded beam under a uniformly distributed load by Ritz method. Int J Eng Appl Sci, 1(3): 1-11.
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Soldatos, K.P. (1992) A transverse shear deformation theory for homogeneous monoclinic plates. Acta Mechanica 94(3-4): 195-220.
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Timoshenko, S. P. (1922). On the transverse vibrations of bars of uniform cross-section. The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science 43: 125-131.
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Wang, C. M., , J.N. Reddy & K.H. Lee (Eds.) (2000) Shear deformable beams and plates: Relationships with classical solutions. Elsevier.
Wattanasakulpong, N., B.G. Prusty & D.W. Kelly (2011) Thermal buckling and elastic vibration of third-order shear deformable functionally graded beams. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 53(9): 734-743.
Wei, D., Y. Liu & Z. Xiang (2012). An analytical method for free vibration analysis of functionally graded beams with edge cracks. Journal of Sound and Vibration 331(7), 1686-1700.
Yang, J. & Y. Chen (2008) Free vibration and buckling analyses of functionally graded beams with edge cracks. Composite Structures 83(1): 48-60.
Yesilce, Y. & H.H. Catal (2011) Solution of free vibration equations of semi-rigid connected Reddy–Bickford beams resting on elastic soil using the differential transform method. Archive of Applied Mechanics 81(2): 199-213.
Yesilce, Y. & S. Catal (2009) Free vibration of axially loaded Reddy-Bickford beam on elastic soil using the differential transform method. Struct. Eng. Mech 31(4): 453-476.
Yesilce, Y. (2010) Effect of axial force on the free vibration of Reddy-Bickford multi-span beam carrying multiple spring-mass systems. Journal of Vibration and Control 16(1): 11-32.
Ziou, H., H. Guenfoud, & M. Guenfoud (2016) Numerical modelling of a Timoshenko FGM beam using the finite element method. International Journal of Structural Engineering 7(3): 239-261.
How to Cite
GUENFOUD, Hamza et al.
Analyses of a composite functionally graded material beam with a new transverse shear deformation function.
Journal of Applied Engineering Science & Technology, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 105-113, dec. 2016.
ISSN 2571-9815.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025.
Section C: Geotechnical and Civil Engineering
Functionally Graded Material; Power-law; Finite Element Method; Timoshenko’s beam; Shear function
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