Evaluation of the sound environment of the city of Biskra (Algeria)

  • Tallal Abdel Karim Bouzir Département d’architecture, LACOMOFA, Université de Mohamed khider, Biskra, 07000, Algeria
  • Nourdinne Zemmouri Département d’architecture, LACOMOFA, Université de Mohamed khider, Biskra, 07000, Algeria


This research concerns the quantitative evaluation of the urban sound environment of the city of Biskra. The aim was to determine the quality of the soundscape based on in situ measurement, using a Landtek SL5868P sound level meter. 62 points have been identified to represent the whole city. The results show that that the noise level varies from 54.1 to 75.8 dB(A) during the weekdays and from 50.4 to 74.2dB(A) during the weekend. In addition,90% of the results of the weekday measurements and 81% of the results of the weekend measurements exceed the recommended levels given by the World Health Organization. The present urban sound exposure could have a substantial impact on the overall comfort of inhabitants and increase the risk of the syndrome of the sick cities.

How to Cite
BOUZIR, Tallal Abdel Karim; ZEMMOURI, Nourdinne. Evaluation of the sound environment of the city of Biskra (Algeria). Journal of Applied Engineering Science & Technology, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 1, p. 7-11, may 2018. ISSN 2571-9815. Available at: <https://revues.univ-biskra.dz/index.php/jaest/article/view/3869>. Date accessed: 10 mar. 2025.
Section F: Architectural and Building Engineering

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