Pressure effects on the structural, elastic , electronic and optical properties of ZnO from first-principles calculations

  • Said LAKEL Laboratory of physical materials Department of Physics University of Laghouat, Algeria. 2Laboratory of Metallic and Semiconducting Materials Department of Physics University of Biskra B.P. 145, RP 07000 Biskra, Algeria.
  • F. ELHAMRA Laboratory of physical materials Department of Physics University of Laghouat, Algeria.
  • M. IBRIR Laboratory of Physics of Materials and its Applications Department of Physics University Med BOUDIAF Msila B. P. 166, 28000 MSila, Algeria.


First-principles calculations of the structural, electronic, optical and elastic properties of ZnO as a function of the pressure have been performed within density functional theory using Ultra soft pseudo potentials and generalized gradient approximation (GGA) for the exchange and correlation energy. Through our results, we note that the lattice constants decrease with the pressure increasing. Also, the elastic constants C11, C12, C13 and C33 and  the bulk modulus B increase with the pressure increasing. However, the elastic constants C44, the Shear modulus (G) and  Young’s modulus (E) decrease slowly with  increasing pressure, the band gap increases with the pressure increasing and ZnO has direct band. As pressure increases, the static dielectric constants ɛ1(0) and static refraction index n(0) decrease. Our calculated results are in good agreement with experimental data and other theoretical calculations.

Keywords: DFT calculation, electronic, optical, elastic, under pressure


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Comment citer
LAKEL, Said; ELHAMRA, F.; IBRIR, M.. Pressure effects on the structural, elastic , electronic and optical properties of ZnO from first-principles calculations. Science des matériaux (Laboratoire LARHYSS), [S.l.], v. 6, nov. 2015. ISSN 2352-9954. Disponible à l'adresse : >>. Date de consultation : 10 mars 2025