EFL Teachers’ Problems in Implementing the Competency-Based Approach in Teaching Writing “The case of EFL Secondary School Teachers in Biskra”

  • Saliha CHELLI Biskra University
  • Warda KHOUNI Biskra University


In spite of the implementation of the
competency-based approach in
teaching in the Algerian school, middle
and secondary school teachers find it
difficult to teach according to this
approach. This article aimed to
investigate and analyze the main
problems encountered by EFL
secondary school teachers in teaching
writing. What are the main problems
encountered by them? To answer this
question, we hypothesized that their
main difficulties involve lack of
theoretical background on the
competency-based approach in
addition to lack of in-service training.
To test this hypothesis, a questionnaire
was administered to ten secondary
teachers in Biskra. This tool was
supplemented by a semi-structured
interview with three participants. The
results of this research reveal that most
of the participants rely on traditional
methods mainly because they lack
theoretical backgrounds concerning the
competency-based approach and
training in teaching writing and the
other skills under this approach, which
requires a new conceptualization in
teaching. As a pedagogical application,
we suggest the process- genre approach
to be used in order to develop students’


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Comment citer
CHELLI, Saliha; KHOUNI, Warda. EFL Teachers’ Problems in Implementing the Competency-Based Approach in Teaching Writing “The case of EFL Secondary School Teachers in Biskra”. Sciences humaines, [S.l.], v. 32, mai 2014. ISSN 1112-3176. Disponible à l'adresse : >https://revues.univ-biskra.dz/index.php/sh/article/view/550>. Date de consultation : 10 mars 2025