الأدب المهـجري الأنجلوفوني "كتاب خالد" لأمين الريحاني و"النبي" لجبران أنموذجا
الأدب الأنجلوفوني العربي هو مجموع النصوص الإبداعية التي ألّفها بالإنجليزية مبدعون من أصول عربية، تحاول هذه الورقة أن تسلّط الضوء على ظهور الأدب الإنجلوفوني العربي الذي تعود جذوره إلى أوائل القرن العشرين في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية مع ظهور "كتاب خالد" لأمين الريحاني و"النبي" لجبران، ستناقش هذه الورقة
Arab Anglophone Literature is the body of writings written in English by authors of Arab origins. This paper is an attempt to shed light on the emergence of Arab Anglophone literature which dated back to the early 1920’s in USA with the appearance of Ameen Rihani’s « The Book of Khalid » and Gibran’s « The Prophet » ;the paper will discuss the aesthetics , thematic topics and the readership of both works.
1- Oryang (Wen-Chin) : Literature, Interiority and violence; New Voices in Arab Diaspora, The Middle East in London, Oct 2009, p03.
2- Al- Maleh (Leila) : Arab Voices in Diaspora; Critical Perspectives on Anglophone Arab literature, ed; Radope Bv, Amsterdam, New York, 2009,p10
3- Nash (Geoffrey) : The Arab Writer in English; Arab Themes in Metropolitan Language, (1908-1958) , Sussex Academic Press,1998,p17
4- Nash (Geoffrey) : The Arab Writer in English; Arab Themes in Metropolitan Language..p18.
5- Ameen Rihani : www.wikipedia.com
6- Ameen Rihani : www.wikipedia.com
7- Bushrui (S heil) : Tha Arab- American cultural Relation in the 20th century , the works of Ameen Rihani ; with special reference to his writing in English http://www.alhewar.com/Bushrui_Rihani.html
8- Rihani (Ameen) : The Book of Khalid in Bushrui (Suheil) : Tha Arab- American cultural Relation in the 20th century , the works of Ameen Rihani ; with special reference to his writing in English
9- Rihani (Ameen) : The Book of Khalid
10- Joudot (Jacqueline) : Les Ecrivains d’ Expression Anglaise u Proche- Orient Arabe (Thèse de Doctorat d’ Etat) Université Lyon III Lumière (Département d’ Etude du Monde Anglophone), 2003, p716
11- Ameen Rihani : www.wikipedia.com
12- Knippling (Alpana Sharma) : New Immigrant literature in USA , A Sourcebook to Our Multicultural Literary Heritage, Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data , USA, 1996,p06
13- Nash (Geoffrey) : The Arab Writer in English; Arab Themes in Metropolitan Language, p28
14- Joudot (Jacqueline) : Les Ecrivains d’ Expression Anglaise u Proche- Orient Arabe, p 715.
15- Nash (Geoffrey) : The Arab Writer in English; Arab Themes in Metropolitan Language, p26.
16- Knippling (Alpana Sharma) : New Immigrant literature in USA , A Sourcebook to Our Multicultural, p05
17-Knippling (Alpana Sharma) : New Immigrant literature in USA , A Sourcebook to Our Multicultural Literary Heritage,p06
18- Bushrui (Suheil) : Tha Arab- American cultural Relation in the 20th century , the works of Ameen Rihani ; with special reference to his writing in English..
19- Ameen Rihani : www.wikipedia.com
20- Rega (Joseph) Layton (Rebecca) Arab- American and Muslim Writers, Chelsea House, New York , 2010, p 07
21- Al –Maleh (Leila) : Arab Voices in Diaspora, p03.
22- Rega (Joseph) Layton (Rebecca) Arab- American and Muslim Writers,p13
23- Boullata( Issa) et al : Tradition , Modernity and Postmodernity in Arabic Literature ; Essays in honor of Issa J Boullata, ed Kamel Abdel- Malek & Wael Hallak, by Kominklijka Brill, NV, Leiden, The Nethrlands,2000, p 321
24- Rega (Joseph) Layton (Rebecca) Arab- American and Muslim Writers,p19
25- Boullata( Issa) et al : Tradition , Modernity and Postmodernity in Arabic Literature, p322.
26- Boullata( Issa) et al : Tradition , Modernity and Postmodernity in Arabic Literature, p322.
27- Boullata( Issa) et al, IBID, p323.
28- Knippling (Alpana Sharma) : New Immigrant literature in USA ,p04.
29- Al –Maleh (Leila) : Arab Voices in Diaspora, p10.
2- Al- Maleh (Leila) : Arab Voices in Diaspora; Critical Perspectives on Anglophone Arab literature, ed; Radope Bv, Amsterdam, New York, 2009,p10
3- Nash (Geoffrey) : The Arab Writer in English; Arab Themes in Metropolitan Language, (1908-1958) , Sussex Academic Press,1998,p17
4- Nash (Geoffrey) : The Arab Writer in English; Arab Themes in Metropolitan Language..p18.
5- Ameen Rihani : www.wikipedia.com
6- Ameen Rihani : www.wikipedia.com
7- Bushrui (S heil) : Tha Arab- American cultural Relation in the 20th century , the works of Ameen Rihani ; with special reference to his writing in English http://www.alhewar.com/Bushrui_Rihani.html
8- Rihani (Ameen) : The Book of Khalid in Bushrui (Suheil) : Tha Arab- American cultural Relation in the 20th century , the works of Ameen Rihani ; with special reference to his writing in English
9- Rihani (Ameen) : The Book of Khalid
10- Joudot (Jacqueline) : Les Ecrivains d’ Expression Anglaise u Proche- Orient Arabe (Thèse de Doctorat d’ Etat) Université Lyon III Lumière (Département d’ Etude du Monde Anglophone), 2003, p716
11- Ameen Rihani : www.wikipedia.com
12- Knippling (Alpana Sharma) : New Immigrant literature in USA , A Sourcebook to Our Multicultural Literary Heritage, Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data , USA, 1996,p06
13- Nash (Geoffrey) : The Arab Writer in English; Arab Themes in Metropolitan Language, p28
14- Joudot (Jacqueline) : Les Ecrivains d’ Expression Anglaise u Proche- Orient Arabe, p 715.
15- Nash (Geoffrey) : The Arab Writer in English; Arab Themes in Metropolitan Language, p26.
16- Knippling (Alpana Sharma) : New Immigrant literature in USA , A Sourcebook to Our Multicultural, p05
17-Knippling (Alpana Sharma) : New Immigrant literature in USA , A Sourcebook to Our Multicultural Literary Heritage,p06
18- Bushrui (Suheil) : Tha Arab- American cultural Relation in the 20th century , the works of Ameen Rihani ; with special reference to his writing in English..
19- Ameen Rihani : www.wikipedia.com
20- Rega (Joseph) Layton (Rebecca) Arab- American and Muslim Writers, Chelsea House, New York , 2010, p 07
21- Al –Maleh (Leila) : Arab Voices in Diaspora, p03.
22- Rega (Joseph) Layton (Rebecca) Arab- American and Muslim Writers,p13
23- Boullata( Issa) et al : Tradition , Modernity and Postmodernity in Arabic Literature ; Essays in honor of Issa J Boullata, ed Kamel Abdel- Malek & Wael Hallak, by Kominklijka Brill, NV, Leiden, The Nethrlands,2000, p 321
24- Rega (Joseph) Layton (Rebecca) Arab- American and Muslim Writers,p19
25- Boullata( Issa) et al : Tradition , Modernity and Postmodernity in Arabic Literature, p322.
26- Boullata( Issa) et al : Tradition , Modernity and Postmodernity in Arabic Literature, p322.
27- Boullata( Issa) et al, IBID, p323.
28- Knippling (Alpana Sharma) : New Immigrant literature in USA ,p04.
29- Al –Maleh (Leila) : Arab Voices in Diaspora, p10.
Comment citer
عتيق, مديحة.
الأدب المهـجري الأنجلوفوني "كتاب خالد" لأمين الريحاني و"النبي" لجبران أنموذجا.
Sciences humaines, [S.l.], v. 32, mai 2014.
ISSN 1112-3176.
Disponible à l'adresse : >https://revues.univ-biskra.dz/index.php/sh/article/view/621>. Date de consultation : 10 mars 2025