The importance of entrepreneurship education and training programs in the promotion and the success of youth entrepreneurship

  • Rekaia Hassani Université de Biskra
  • Rabeh Khouni Université de Biskra


You cannot teach someone to become a Bill Gates, neither can you teach someone to compose like Beethoven. But you can teach someone the notes and scales, give them the tools they need to become a composer. And you can teach the tools people need to be entrepreneurs” )Howard Stevenson of Harvard University( .i e : all the identified attributes of entrepreneurs can be positively                             affected in some manner by education. The question is not « whether » but « what » and « how » ?



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Comment citer
HASSANI, Rekaia; KHOUNI, Rabeh. The importance of entrepreneurship education and training programs in the promotion and the success of youth entrepreneurship. Sciences humaines, [S.l.], v. 30, juin 2014. ISSN 1112-3176. Disponible à l'adresse : >>. Date de consultation : 10 mars 2025