The management of sport facilities and the special needs - Discussion on the challenges

  • أحمد طيبي جامعة بسكرة
  • ياسين بوبكر جامعة بسكرة


Managing sport facilities is not so easy mission, because all people categories are mention to get in and be a part of the aims those it was built for. So every decision must take all those types in consideration, and marginalize no body. Special needs people want that attention, many governments over the world have adopted several programs to merge them in society perfectly. So, reorganizing sport facilities to welcome them inside it, as an athlete, visitor or supporter.

The daily life of special needs people is not as similar as the others, there are many common factors but the difference is the way how both do it, because who stands on his legss then walk to do his stuff will certainly be not the same when we talk on disabled people using a wheelchair. So, giving new designs and management to the sport facilities will be so helpful to special needs to get easily merged in the ordinary life of society and people.

Based on previous preface, We will discuss in our paper on those management ideas of reorganizing sport facilities and designs, those will be challenges and helpful to special needs people (Athlete, visitor or supporter), and we want to be very specific to the title, in this way we will avoid many literatures.

Comment citer
طيبي, أحمد; بوبكر, ياسين. The management of sport facilities and the special needs - Discussion on the challenges. Tamayoz, [S.l.], n. 01, p. 201, mars 2019. ISSN 2543-3520. Disponible à l'adresse : >>. Date de consultation : 23 fév. 2025