Relationship between Sublinear Operators and their Subdifferentials for Certain Classes of Lipschitz Summability

  • Athmane Ferradi University of M’sila, Laboratoire d’Analyse Fonctionnelle et Géométrie des Espaces, Box: 166, Ichbilia, M’sila, 28000, Algeria. E-mail:
  • Lahcene Mezrag University of M’sila, Laboratoire d’Analyse Fonctionnelle et Géométrie des Espaces, Box: 166, Ichbilia,M’sila, 28000, Algeria.


Let SB(X, Y ) be the set of all bounded sublinear operators from a Banach space X into a complete Banach lattice Y ;
which is a pointed convex cone not salient in Lip0(X, Y ). In this paper, we are interested in studying the relationship between T and its
subdifferential ∇T (the set of all bounded linear operators u : X -→ Y such that u(x) ≤ T (x) for all x in X); concerning certain
notions of Lipschitz summability. We also answer negatively a question posed previously concerning this type of relation in the linear
case. For this, we introduce and study a new concept of summability in the category of Lipschitz operators, which we call ”super
Lipschitz p-summing operators
”. We prove some characterizations in terms of a domination theorem and some properties of this notion.

Keywords: Banach lattice, Lipschitz p-dominated operator, Lipschitz p-summing operator, p-summing operator, sublinear operator
MSC: Primary 46B25, 46T99; Secondary 47H99, 47L20

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Communicated Editor: Berbiche Mohamed
Manuscript received Jan 17, 2024; revised Mar 27, 2024; accepted Apr 10, 2024; published May 13, 2024.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur


A. Ferradi, University of M’sila, Laboratoire d’Analyse Fonctionnelle et Géométrie des Espaces, Box: 166, Ichbilia, M’sila, 28000, Algeria.


L. Mezrag, corresponding author, University of M’sila, Laboratoire d’Analyse Fonctionnelle et Géométrie des Espaces, Box: 166, Ichbilia,M’sila, 28000, Algeria.

Comment citer
FERRADI, Athmane; MEZRAG, Lahcene. Relationship between Sublinear Operators and their Subdifferentials for Certain Classes of Lipschitz Summability. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Simulation, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, mai 2024. ISSN 2992-1708. Disponible à l'adresse : >>. Date de consultation : 22 déc. 2024