Renforcement des poutres FGM par des plaques FRP (Cas d’imperfection de la poutre)

  • Fouad BOURADA Centre Universitaire Belhadj Bouchaib Ain Témouchent-Algérie
  • Khaled AMARA Centre Universitaire Belhadj Bouchaib Ain Témouchent-Algérie
  • Mohamed BOURADA Laboratoire des Structures et Matériaux Avancés dans le Génie Civil et Travaux Publics, Université de Sidi Bel Abbes, Algérie


This work presents a method for determining the elastic shear and peel stresses in an adhesive joint between a strengthening plate and functionally graded beam (FGB). The beam is assumed to be isotropic with a constant Poisson’s ratio and exponentially-varying elastic modulus through the beam thickness. The effect of physical imperfection was introduced through a coefficient α which tends to reduce the value of Young modulus of beam FG. An analytical solution is proposed on the basic beam theory; several numerical examples are presented and discussed emphasizing the effect of different parameter governing the evolution of the interface stress.  Keywords: Adhesive stress – FGB Beam – Strengthening


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Comment citer
BOURADA, Fouad; AMARA, Khaled; BOURADA, Mohamed. Renforcement des poutres FGM par des plaques FRP (Cas d’imperfection de la poutre). Science des matériaux (Laboratoire LARHYSS), [S.l.], v. 7, oct. 2016. ISSN 2352-9954. Disponible à l'adresse : >>. Date de consultation : 10 mars 2025